jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2008

dioses en la tierra!?

"Some people say there's no god. I disagree. I think there're actually four gods: The god of money, the god of medicine, the god of war and the god of technology. Like it or not, these are the gods that rock our world. I mean, when stuff goes seriously wrong who do you call? Your priest or your lawyer? Your rabbi or your doctor? Your minister or a cop? Your monk or the smug little geek who set up your home entertainment system? But while the gods of tech, medicine, guns and money give us the illusion of being safe, they don't give our lives meaning. For that we need other gods. And who are these other gods? Well, look around. They're sports stars, movie stars, rock stars, the occasional political and business figures, cute chicks who become princesses, and rich chicks who don't seem to require food. These are the deities who connect us with our abandoned inner selves. Their joy is our joy, their suffering is our suffering. We love and fear them, and occasionally crucify them. Which is a long-winded way of getting to what I do for a living. I buy and trade relics: the physical remains of dead gods."

Esto lo encontre en una pagina de cosas vaneadas de un programa de television que me agrada bastante.
Llegue a la conclusion de que es cierto, si el humano inventa algo llamado ser supremo para explicar todo aquello que no entiende, que pasa cuando su nivel de entendimiento llega a comprenderlo todo? no queda mas que avocarse a la persona cuya unicidad intelectual lo mantiene en un area, esa area en la que hay problemas. Y que hay de esa aleatoriedad que nos domina, que siempre busca algo más, sí, lo busca en otras personas cuyos talentos no solo son distintos a los nuestros sino son exepcionales!!, Asi que espero que haya un ser superior, si no simplemente seriamos humanos siguiento a humanos, y perderiamos cualquier esperanza de responder una pregunta verdaderamente importante...

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